Custom Storage Shed Delivery
Things to keep in mind for delivery:
Pay attention to eves on your house to make sure there are not protruding out into the gate.
Pay attention that the gas meter and/or AC Unit is not protruding out into the gate.
Pay attention to low lying power lines, cable lines ect to make sure we clear them when shed is on the shed trailer.
Pay attention to low lying tree branches to make sure shed will clear underneath them at delivery.
Trailer is 8’6″ wide so the minimum we can have to fit the trailer thru the gate is a 9′ wide opening to fit the trailer thru. Sheds over 10′ wide we will need a minimum of 1′ larger than the shed to fit the shed thru your gate. *So if you order a 10′ wide shed and your gate is 9′ wide it WILL NOT fit.
If your uncertain if we can deliver your shed, give us a call at 970-858-4123 so we can discuss your situation and if necessary we will schedule a time to come out and look at the site.
Do you charge for delivery?
We offer free delivery within a 20 mile range of our shop in Grand Junction. Any time a pilot car is required we do charge a pilot car fee.
Live outside the Grand Valley?
Call us at 970-858-4123 for a shed move quote.
Live outside the Grand Valley?
Call us at 970-858-4123 for a shed move quote.